Tuesday, May 28, 2013

2. What challenges does Capricorn Anderson face at the start of the book? Name at Least 2.

How does he solve them by the end of the book? Write at least 2 sentences about each
problem and solution. Make sure your talk about actual things that happen in the text
and give the chapters or page numbers where it happens.


  1. Julian Lord PerezJune 6, 2013 at 9:53 AM

    He has to live in a world he does not know.His only relative might die.

  2. Azucena Navarro

    In the start of the book Cap has trouble memorizing 1,100 students names and had trouble being the schools president.
    At the end of the book in chapter 30 pg.197 and 198 Cap was able to memorize all 1,100 names by reading each persons name in the yearbook and rhyming it with another word in chapter 20 pg.128.

    In Chapters 18,15,and 11 Cap was able to do good at being the president after he had droven the bus to save mr.rodrigo, he was know as a hero. Cap also made tie-dying fun for every kid in c average, everyone joined and tie-dyed thier stuff. Cap also helped charity by donating money, everyone was happy and started to like Cap Anderson.

  3. Zaria Barnes

    Cap Anderson first challenge he faces at the start of the book was when Cap's grandma Rain fell out of the tree while picking plums and she was in the hospital and Cap had to live with this social worker and her daughter.

    Second challenge Cap faces is when he had to go to a school called Claverage Middle School and he didn't fit in or didn't know anybody but while their Cap the biggest nerd was nominated for class president and he wins.

    Solution to the problem was that Rain was fine and Cap got to talk to her and he really liked his new school and he decided to stay and keep going to school.

  4. Tania j orta

    Cap needs to go to middle school after rain is hurt. And do sent fit in with everyone

  5. Ashley Worthington
    The problems that he challenges is he gets arrested and he has to stay with a stranger .Chapters 27-31 Cap goes back down to where he was before.

  6. Ulises Molina
    On chapter 1 page 8-9 Capricorn has to leave Garland farm while Rain (Cap's grandmother) goes through rehab. He has to live with a woman (Mrs.Donnelly) and her daughter (Sophie Donnelly). On chapter 9 page 57-63 Cap teaches Sophie how to drive which lead to Sophie being Cap's friend.
    On chapter 3 page 13-17 chapter 4 page 18-26 Cap didn't have friends and it was first time in a real school (since he was home schooled).Then in chapter 5 page 28-32 Cap made his first friend at lunch. It was Hugh Winkleman. Hugh taught him how to live in school.

  7. Jasmine Lopez

    At the beginning of the book Cap is having trouble adjusting to his new environment. He soon realizes a solution to fit in with a new crowd of people, Cap thinks because he's president of the school he should donate money to charities at the school to let people know that he's there to help. People soon realize that Cap has the Purest heart and soul. He even saved everyone on the bus. Pages 70-77.
    Problem #2-
    Cap is trying to make friends with Sophia, but Sophia is embarrassed to even be seen with him. Cap eventually finds out why Sophia is always upset and does an act of kindness. Sophia had problems with her dad because he never went through with his promises. Cap decides to buy her the exact necklace her dad took back from her and played it off to look like her father gave it to her again. She finds out that Cap may be annoying but so thoughtful. Cap felt like she was truly an older sister to him. Chapters 9 and 26.

  8. Iyahrah Killins

    cap has to live in a world that he does not know. Zach powers try to bully him but in the end hes cool with everyone and zacks plan doesnt work.

  9. The problems Capricorn Anderson had at the beginning of the book includes: He has to be put in a home for awhile just until his grandmother Rain can leave the hospital after rehab and physical therapy. This is a problem because Rain is his only provider and they live in a vacant place except for them and he's gonna have to go to a normal that he's never been to before. Pages 7-9.

    The second problem would be that he is tormented by a person named Zachary Powers. This is a problem because Zachary had everyone to do what he said which was mess with Capricorn. This got him elected for eight grade president which is the job for the most abhor people. Pages 34-40

    The first problem ending solution is that he started to like the place and at the end that's where he got to stay till his Grandmother found a home. Pages 202-208

    The second ending solution is that everyone started to like Cap. No one had a problem with him anymore including Zach because he thought if you cant beat them join them. Pages 189-208

  10. Alanna Phillips
    Capricorn Anderson has a very innocent heart, and not exposed to the way society thinks. He is against violence full heartedly, he believes in peace and love. But the his school is full of pranks, mean people, and violence. He struggles to fit in.

    He also struggles with people messing with him while trying to find peace. He can't even meditate without having getting he shoes stolen!

    1. amaryllis miller

      there was also that time where Cap got punched in the face trying to break up a fight between Darryl and Zach

    2. Courtney Chambers
      i think that is a really good response you described him and everything else really good.
      that is similar to what i thought about it.

  11. Joel Anguiano
    Cap's first problem is that rain becomes hospitalized and he has nowhere to live. He is invited to stay with Ms.Donnelly.

    Another problem he faces is that he is sent to middle school and he has no clue what he is gonna in counter in the school. He gets a little help from Hugh but is still has problems understanding the life outside Garland Farm.

  12. Amaryllis Miller

    His first problem is that his only relative is in the hospital and they don't know if she will recover well(pg.7). So now he has to live with a family he does not know(pg.12). He does everything to get along with the family and he tries to do things with the family that they enjoy(like watching T&T with Sophie pg.58). His grandma recovered and they moved back to Garland(pg.145).

    His second problem is that now he has to go to a new school and he doesn't know a lot about socializing(pg.18). The way he got a long was by agreeing to what they wanted(for the Halloween party pg.152) and having group events(like the tie-dye day pg.98)

  13. Alanna Phillips
    Like on page 20 Capricorn says, "....people dress funny; they talk too fast; and all they're interested in is things!...."

    On page 54, Capricorn described the bus as: crowded, noisy, dirty, rowdy, and uncomfortable.
    An insane asylum on wheels.

    Also on page 54, he talks about getting his shoes stolen while meditating, "But if you meditate in front of your locker, someone might steal your sandals while your eyes are closed."

  14. Brittany Curiel

    Some challenges Capricorn Anderson face at the book is he didn't know any of the students name, so he wrote them in a notepad pg.82. And in the end of the story he knew all of the students names pg.197

    The second challenge is that Sophie Donnelly was mean to Cap since he came to her house and he tried to be friends with her, but she was still mean to him pg.24. In the end of the book Sophie found out that the engraved bangle wasn't her dad or mom who bought it, it was Cap. So she became friends with Cap and kissed him in the cheek pg.183

  15. Michelle Curiel

    Capricorn's grandmother falls out of a tree and broke her hip. He has to go to another school but everything is so strange to him.On pg. 26 he says "it sure was a strange and complex world outside of Garland. People messed with him and he stuggled to fit in. Capricorn wanted to go back to Garland with Rain. At the end people got to know Capricorn and liked him so Capricorn stayed at the school.

  16. -Vanessa Cuevas

    On chapter 1 page 8-9...Capricorn has to leave Garland farm while Rain Cap's grandmother goes through rehabitation which was very hard. He has to live with a woman Mrs. Donnelly and her daughter Sophie.On chapter 9 page 57-63...Cap teaches Mrs. Donelly's daughter how to drive which lead to Sophie being Cap's friend.Cap was not used to being with them which is hard for him.

    On chapter 3 page 13-17 chapter 4 page 18-26 Cap didn't have friends and it was first time in a real school (since he was home schooled for his whole life).Then in chapter 5 page 28-32 Cap made his first friend at lunch which was Hugh Winkle Man.Hugh taught him how to live in school.That was nice of Hugh.

  17. DeAndre Alexander
    He has to live in a world he does not know, and his only relative might die.

  18. Britney Marin

    Cap gets bullied at the start of the book, they made fun of how he dresses, they called him names, played pranks on him. (pg. 18, pg. 65)

    At the end of the book how he solves all this bulling is that he ignored it and didn't care what anybody thought, and was nice to people even whatever they said or did to him, and tried really hard to fit in.

  19. Whithney Collazo

    Capricorn Anderson faced a few challenges at the beggining of the book.One of the challenges is being taken away from his teacher,grandmother,gaurdian,his everything.That happened becuase him and his grandmother Rain went to the town to pick plums and his grandmother was picking one from a branch and shefell from it and she needed to go to the hospital.

    Another challenge he faced is living in a whole differant/new world where he didnt understand half the things theysaid.He had a very hard time in school becuase they would pick on him but it wouldnt bother him.

  20. Sierra Blackwin
    One of his problems is that at school the popular kids keep throwing/spitting spitballs at him, so he always comes home with soggy hair. Another problem is that every time he tries to meditate in the front yard Sophie always dumps a bucket/basket full of water onto his head. One more problem which is probably the biggest, is that Rain is stuck in rehab and Cap worries about and thinks about her everyday.

  21. Tristan Fitzgerald

    Cap is heartbroken after his grandmother Rain fell out of an apple tree and went to the hospital because he was homeschooled child. So when he has to go a regular middle school he felt weird because he's always been homeschooled. While he's at school people voted him to be the 8th grade president. So toward the end of the school year he started to fit in then when he saw grandmother she changed she used things that she never used before in her life.

  22. He has to live in a world he doe snot know. His only relative might die

  23. Courtney Chambers

    The first challenge was that his life was easy at the beginning of the book. That lasted up in till Rain had her accident while picking plums, so while she was in the hospital recovering Capricorn was going to school. He would have to adjust to the life at Claverage Middle School.( or the C Average middle school). On his first day of school he witnessed a fight between 2 boys. The 2 boys got to go home while Capricorn had to go to the office. The whole reason Cap got sent to the office was because he stood up and told the truth. Now you could say that he gets bullied in a way. Now he really doesnt speak up anymore(pg.30,31.,chapter 5). Capricorn sloves being bullied by standing up to the person that was bulling him Zach Powers. the onlt reaso that Cap stood up for himslf was because Rain normally stood up for him. so since she was in the hospital he figured that she couldnt help him this time(pg.51,52.,chapter 8).

  24. Courtney Chambers

    Another challenge that Cap has to face is that is Rain havin that accident.That accident was the most scariest thing in the world for Cap to think. even the thoughts that were going through his mind. Rain is CApd whole world, she raised him and she went through everything with him(pg.6., chapter 1). How Cap solves that challenge is trying to keep his mind on school and trying to learn everybodies name in the whole school.he goes to a school consler and for now while Rain is recovering he is staying with her. Sge has a daughter names Sophie. Cap has a little crush on Spohie but Sophie cant stand to be around him. Cap gets to see Rain every once in a while and he can tell her all about his days. Now with the encourgement of Rain and the other people he can now stand up to Zach Powers(pg.51,52.,chapter 8).

  25. Dominique Grant
    One problem is that grandmother Rain fell out of a tree while picking plums pages 3-8. Another problem is when he is doing tai chi in front of locker his shoes get stolen. he also has trouble fitting in with everyone.

  26. Two challenges Cap faces in the begging of the book are having Rain (his life long companion) taken away for eight weeks possibly more, and being thrown into modern society with any warning or preparation. He grew up in an alternative community and he was not used to the modern society. And one day he was just tossed into a new school without knowing anything about anything modern.

  27. Ruth Gomez

    Cap's 1st problem is that he knows nothing about being an 8th grade president. On page 35 the last paragraph they announce that Cap is the new 8th grade president. Cap at the end of the book fixes this problem by just being him self and showing everybody that when you stay true to your self every thing will come out just fine maybe even better. That is one lesson that everybody could learn from Cap, I know I did. It end s on page 188 when Mrs. Donnelly gets the phone and gives Mr. Kasigi a call, paragraph 1.

    The 2nd problem that Cap has is on page,56 paragraph 3. The problem he has is that Sophie is always being so mean to him. Sophie is always trying to find a way to tease Cap, and try making him feel bad most of the time it works but when Cap shows Sophie that you always have the other option to turn the other cheek and be kind to all the people that will surround you. The problem ends on page,175 paragraph 4, when she realizes that cap, was the one who got her bracelet for her and Sophie finds a way to make nice with Cap.

  28. Destiny Laughton

    In the beginning Capricorn Anderson could not memorize 1,100 names at school

    At the end he memorized all 1,100 names out of the year book and he was rhyming the names with other words. pg.128 chap.20.

    At the beginning of the story Sophie was upset she could not see her dad because he never comes around and he came and he got her a bracelet and he left without giving it to her .

    At the end of the book cap bought her that bracelet and got it engraved as ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE and sent her the bracelet to make it seem like her dad sent it to her and when she recieved it she was so happy. pg.87 and chap.13.

  29. LaNea Patton : Capricorn Anderson faced going to a school he did not know about. Learning new things about the school everyday. But the solution was him being his self.

  30. Cap is like a baby.He's in a world where he doesn't know any body or what any thing is.And the worst part is he's out there with out the only person he ever knew his teacher, his grandma.

  31. Dazlynn Panganiban

    The two challenges at the start of the book was one on chapter 1 was when rain had fell of a tree and Broken her hip she was off to rehab the doctor says on paragraph 46. That had changed the way Cap was going to be living for a while, not having rain there in Caps life for even a day would change how Cap was going to be in the real world. Cap was now heading to a new school a new home with new people was going to be hard for Cap. The second challenge was when Zach Powers wanted to make a fool of Cap so he decided to sign Cap for seventh grade president where he is in charge of the entire Halloween dance and that brings even more pressure toward Cap and those are the two challenges of the start of the book.

  32. Beyonce Bailey

    Cap has to remember everybody's name in school as being class president later on in the book he knows everyone's name by writing their name in a notebook

    Cap struggles with being the weird kid at school but after he saves Mr. Rodrigo he becomes the hero of school

  33. Carina Serratos

    When Cap Anderson became president he was struggled with leaning all studens names.When he left the school by that time he knows all names.

    he was alos bullyed and couldent find peace in the school.

  34. Chris Castellanos
    2 problems Cap face is he gets put into a world that he knows nothing about so he has to adapt to his school by himself. Another problem is the 8th grade president thing. He is going to be chosen to be the biggest joke of the entire school! But in the end of the story he had adapted to the way the outside word works and in fact wants to stay there. Cap was able to gain respect from everyone in the school so instead of being laughed at he is admired. Everyone in the school was at his funeral when they thought he was dead.

  35. The first challenge cap faces is that he cant rember all the names of the kids in school.he solved that problem by the end of the book by reading all their names from the school yearbook.( chapter 20 page 128)

    The second problem cap faced was being school president.He solved that problem by the end of the book bydrivinbg the schhol bus to save the bus driver and all the kids lives ,and doing chairtys. (chapter 18and 15)

  36. Desi Centeno

    In the beggining of the story Cap struggles with being bully and being elected president.When Cap got elected president he didn't know any body names and he think to be president you have to say on page 36.He learn all the names by writing them down on a notepad and looking in the year book.By page 197 and 198 he had learn everbody name in the schooled

    He struggled with zach powers always picking on him which is in like every chapter .But cap didn't let it effect him like on page65 and 66 were they lock him in the libary all he did was meditate.

  37. Aurora Salazar

    1) At the beggining of the book is Rains accident.When Rain falls of the tree while picking plums she goes to the hospital and is told she will have to stay for a couple of week to get better.So then Cap has to go live with the Donnely's.

    2)While living with the Donnely's Cap has to face Sophie Donnely because she thinks her mother went crazy into bringigng a Freakazoid into the house. So when Cap moves in he also has to go to school.

  38. Elizabeth Espinoza

    One of the problems is that Rain falls out of the tree and Cap has to live with Mrs.Donnelly and her teenage daughter. He solves this one by moving back in with his grandmother in a condo.

    Another one is learning all of his new classmates names (about 1100), mean and nice ones. He resolves this one by learning every single one of their names.

  39. One problem Capricorn has is he has to stay some where new with people that he doesnt know so well because, his grandmother is in rehab recovering from her injury. This is one main problem because Rain is his guardian and they dont do what "normal" people do. Solution: He enjoys living with his new "family" and has a hard time staying back home when he knows he left some where were he really enjoyed his new life style. #7-#9

    Second problem is Zach Powers is bullying Capricorn threw out most of this book. In the beginning he has the whole school messing with Capricorn for no reason just because of the way he is dressed or because of his hair. Solution: Everyone starts seeing that Cap is really nice and all he wants to do is fit in. #30-#34

  40. Taylor Creekmore

    Capricorn Anderson has to go to a public middle school when he was homeschooled for his whole life and he is scared.
    cap also had to move in to someone's house that he did not know. this made him uncomfortable because it was different than the life he is use to.

  41. Rena Humphres

    Cap is constantly teased and tormented by other kids, not only at school, but also at the home he's staying at. Cap stays strong and faithful throughout the whole book. He does everything he can to help everybody, even the people that despise him. People quickly learn to like and respect him.

    Zach decided to tease Cap and told him that as president, you must learn all the names of the entire C Average Middle School. Most people would take this as a threat, not Cap, though. Even though he's only known one person in his entire life; at the end of the book, Cap knows the name of all 1,100 students.

  42. Javaughn Reed

    One of Cap's challenges is he doesn't fit in because of the clothes he wears but they don't understand were Cap is from. And Cap doesn't understand his school because there was a fight and Cap was not raised with violence. The second challenge was Cap was elected school president but Cap didn't know how to be a president. And a kid named Zach Powers had told Cap a president knows everybody's name. Cap thought it was impossible for him to memorize every ones name.

  43. Alberto Herrera
    Capricorn is now living in the real world instead of Garland Farm with his grandmother. At Cap's new school people are spit-balling him and he is elected to be the 8 grade president. Zach Powers and his group of "friends" started messing with Cap.
    Cap solves these thinks by having patience and peace with the students the Claverage (C Average) Middle School.

  44. Alexis Lopez

    In chapter 1 page 8-9 cap has to leave Garland farm because rain fell by climbing up a tree.so he goes with mrs.donelly and her daughter sophie Donnellys house for a while on chapter 3 page 13-17. And chapter 4 18-26 cap didn't have no friends and it was his first time having lunch in school. then on chapter 5 page 28-32 cap made a friend at school his name was Hugh Winkleman. Hugh taught him how to live in school. then on chapter 9 page 57-63 cap teaches sophie being one of caps friend.

  45. Cindy Valdes

    In the beginning of the book on pages 8-9 Capricorn Anderson takes Rain to the hospital because she had fallen off the tree while picking fruits. On page 13-17 he has to go with Ms. Donnelly and live with her while Rain is recovering. Cap goes to a school called C-Average. He didn't want to go to a school, he wanted to go back to Garland with Rain. He started school and he saw other kids getting bullied. At the end of the story Cap end up liking the school.

  46. Alexis Lopez

    Leadership a person who guides or directs a group or person.
    Rain is a leader to cap by letting him fight for what he believes in the war on page 80.Cap also shows leadership in chapter 18 page 114-119 when he was giving money to charity even though it was for the Halloween dance party.

  47. Victoria Biggs

    On page 18 Cap had to face people calling him names. The solution was that a teacher came and put the children calling names on punishment.

    On page 13 Cap went to a new school and had no friends. The solution to that was when Zach came and helped him out and they began building a friendship.

  48. Alexander Libasci

    These are the challenges Cap faces. Cap's challenges are going to a new school and becoming president of C Average School. His solution is getting help from Zach. (pages 13, 14 and 15)

  49. Cap has a problem when he has to memerize 1,100 names of students in the school pg.197 and 198 . He solves it by reading all the names in the school year book and rhyming it with another word pg.128 . Another problem is his teacher and one and only family has been hurt from falling off a tree. While she recovers he has to face a real school. Nathaniel Valle

  50. stefen kuykendall 1.Cap had to live in a world he had no idea about with only a few people who had a idea were he might have come from he is dealing withe bullying and violence and pranks.
    2.When he was elected president he had a hard time remembering students names and has to write them with a notebook

  51. Isaiah Duron

    Capricorn Anderson is having trouble memorizing 1,000 names. At the end of the book he memorized all 1,000 names.

  52. Zaria Etyem
    2.One challenge he has to deal with is living in a foster home. Another challenge Cap has to deal with is being 8th grade president. In the beginning
    of the book Rain falls out of the tree picking plums. Rain has to go to rehab for 8 weeks so Cap has to live with Mrs.Donelly and her daughter Sophie. When Cap first comes to there house Sophie doesnt like Cap. After they start to hang out they became friends. In the end Cap and Sophie went to the halloween dance that got turned into a funeral for cap. When Cap gets elected for 8th grade president he didn't give up even though he didn't think he could suceed. In chapter 27 is when Cap and Sophie go to the dance. In chapter 2 is where Cap starts living with the Donelly's. Chapter 6 is where Cap is choosen to be 8th grade president.

  53. Arieanna Presley

    One problem is Cap has trouble living in a foster home. He also has trouble being eighth grade president. Sophie doesnt really like Cap .

    2nd Problem is he had trouble remembering the students names so he wrote them on a notebook

  54. One challenge Cap had to face was that rain fell out of a plum tree and the doctor had to operate so Rain couldn't home school him.Then Cap had to stay with a lady Mrs. Donnelly.

    Another challenge is that cap had to go to a public school for the first time since Rain was in the hospital

  55. Stephanie Alvarez

    1. he has to go to school but he had never gone to school beacause he was always home schooled and he dosent know what to do and he sees other people that are different from him
    2. he has to stay away from rain beacause rain is in the hospital n he hasnt have no where to stay

  56. Erica

    Capricorn is a kid that is not used to go to school. He has been homeschooled before and is trying to get used to it and fit in.

    Also kids mess a lot with Cap. He doesn't like it. They trick him. Prank him a lot.

  57. Eric McAuly

    The first challenge Cap faces is when rain falls out of a tree he has to live in a foster home.
    The second challenge is when he has to go through middle school.
    When rain gets out it solves both his problems because she takes him out of school and he can live with her again.

  58. Gerardo Ibarra

    The first challenge was that he had to live in Mrs.Donnelly's house with Sophie. The second challenge was that he has to go to middle school.

    On chap.1 p.7-8 Rain has to stay at the hospital for 8 weeks, but there is no one to take care of Cap so he has to stay with Mrs.Donnelly and Sophia and he has to go to middle school.
    In chap.21-22 p.141-146, Darryl was going to punch Zach, but by accident punched Cap, so when Cap had gotten on the ambulance, Rain was on there too and she told Cap they were going back to Garland. ( answer to challenge 2)

    In chap.18 p.108, Cap saw a bangle just like the one her father was going to give her, but he didn't so Cap bought the bangle with the checks for the Halloween party for Sophia, but Cap sent her the bangle in an envelope with her dad's name on it.( answer to challenge 1)

  59. Amber Pratt

    Capricorn Anderson faces that he has to leave Rain his grandmother fora while untill she is better and feeling well. He overcomes that because he is a very strong and independent person . He wanted to be with Rain very badly but he knew he just had to wait untill she felt better . So he did that and in the end you see how much of a Independent person he is that is on pg.8,9,10,11 ,chp.1,2 .

    He also had to face going to a public school , and the kids at the school because before he was homeschooled and he doesen't really know anything about public schools. The kids were very cruel and mean to him untill they found out how much of a good person he was. He was so strong for not saying or doing anything back to those kids even after all the things they did to him like spit spitballs in his hair and make him ask for all those wierd things . Like I said Capricorn is a very independent and strong boy. If he was real , and i could meet him I think I would love it but this is on pg.14,15,16 When he started his first day of school there ,chp.3. When they started being mean to him it was on pg.30,31 , chp.5. Capricorn Anderson is a wonderful person !

  60. Victoria McAuly,

    First his grandmother falls and he has to help her. Also he has to go to school with people that act totally different than he does.

  61. Jayla Woods

    Two of the challenges that cap had to face with is living with people he doesn't know and being without the only family he has...Rain.By the end of the book these problems are solved because he gets to know the family and he gets to talk to Rain sometimes.

  62. Diana Tlaseca

    One challenge Cap has to deal with in the beginning of the book on chapter 2 pg.10 is with trying to fit into the outside world and his new school. He has to learn to live in Mrs.Donelly's house. At the end of the book everybody likes him and accepts him even though he is a little strange.

    Another problem he has to face in the beginning of the book on chapter 6 pg.35 is that he was announced president. And Cap really tried his best to be a good president and remember all their names but it was hard since he was new. In the end he remembered all their names by looking them up in the yearbook.

  63. Cap Anderson being new at the school made it very difficult getting votes to become president and he also had to know eleven hundred student names.

  64. omar mohammed
    In the begining of the book about chapter 6 he had trouble memorizing 1,100 students names.Near the end of the book he uses the year book to memorize all 1,100 names.
    In the begining of the book about chapter 3 he has trouble fitting in with the outside world.in the end he gets pretty use to it.

  65. The challenges Capricorn faces in the start of the book is having to deal with bullying in the bus in chapter 11 and having to move in with people he dosen't know on chapter 4.

  66. Amir Montgomery

    Cap Anderson first challenge he faces at the start of the book was when Cap's grandmother Rain fell out of the tree while picking plums and she was in the hospital. Cap had to live with this social worker and her daughter.

    His second challenge Cap faces is when he had to go to a school called Claverage Middle School and he didn't fit in or didn't know anybody but while their Cap the biggest nerd was nominated for class president and he wins.


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