Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Welcome to the ZCMS Summer Reading Program blog. Please visit our blog periodically over the Summer to read the questions and comment your answers.

To locate your questions, click on your grade questions on the right of the page.

1. Describe Cap Anderson and at least one other main character in the book.

Write 2-3 sentences about each character’s physical appearance/how he or she looks.
Write 2-3 sentences about each character’s personality.

Type your first and last name before your reponse.

2. What challenges does Capricorn Anderson face at the start of the book? Name at Least 2.

How does he solve them by the end of the book? Write at least 2 sentences about each
problem and solution. Make sure your talk about actual things that happen in the text
and give the chapters or page numbers where it happens.

3. Define Leadership?

How does one of the characters you selected for #1 show leadership
in at least two different ways? Make sure your talk about actual things that happen in
the text and give the chapters or page numbers where it happens.

4. What is most important to you about leaders or leadership?

Write 2-3 sentences to explain your answer. Give a quote from the text to support your ideas.

5. What was one thing that Cap Anderson did in the book that was memorable or important to you?

How does this connect to your life?